My belief is irrational.
There is an overwhelming stigma against the irrational in the
world, and perhaps rightly so.
Irrational people pose difficulties in rational function, and most of society
is organized rationally. Rationality is
the information that one finds applicable to the world around oneself, and
RATIONALY you conclude that this is what should be glorified. The overlap of these the simple statement
above, and this stigma is where we see the debate of Science vs. Spirituality
My belief is bigger than knowledge.
This is not to say that I do not believe in rational
knowledge, for I do. I believe in
science wholeheartedly, and try my best to have it enhance my daily life as
much as it possibly can. Beyond my
belief in knowledge lies my belief in understanding, what I know rationally and
what I ‘know’ irrationally.
My belief is not less valid than rationality
Even the rational inquisitor would run into the question “Why
does rationality work?” “What set in
place these fundamental laws and mechanisms that our universe operates under?” It is almost fair to consider these questions
rhetorical, for in pursuit of the answer we run across a terrible
conundrum. To answer that question would
be to understand, understanding. Yet the
pursuit for knowledge persists, “What came before the big bang? What was the
small, dense entity inside, if the universe was not present?” Any answers to
this question would have to be an irrational one, for it is a question into
what is by definition outside of rationality.
Writing off the irrational as a lesser form of understanding than
rationality is to restrain one’s open-mindedness in the quest for information
into anything larger than rationality.
My belief is in a deity
God. Many Gods, one God, Your god, Their god, My god. My belief is in an irrational entity or
precursor to the rational universe, also known as, a God. I don’t know much about my belief beyond
this, but I do know that I believe in something much larger than myself, much
larger than existence itself, a god. The
god I’m looking for could be accurately described in an established religion,
or a dead one, or a yet to be articulated one, but it is a belief in